Understand The Regulations
Federal & State
Clean Water Act-Established water quality standards for surface water in the United States. The State enforces these standards by issuing permits that regulate combined sewer overflows and stormwater runoff in areas with separate sewer systems. https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-clean-water-act
Pennsylvania Act 167-Requires counties to develop and implement stormwater management plans for local watersheds. With this, counties must also create ordinances to regulate development in line with these plans. http://www.depgreenport.state.pa.us/elibrary/GetDocument?docId=8143&DocName=3930-BK-DEP0121.pdf
More information is available from the Department of Environmental Protection. http://www.dep.pa.gov/Business/Water/CleanWater/StormwaterMgmt/Pages/Act-167.aspx
Philadelphia Water Department Stormwater Regulations
To meet state and federal regulations, PWD developed regulations to comply with the requirements and effectively carry out a comprehensive stormwater management program:
All development projects that disturb more than 15,000 square feet of earth (5,000 square feet in certain watersheds) must meet PWD’s Stormwater Regulations. The Stormwater Regulations have four main components: Water Quality, Channel Protection, Flood Control, and Public Health and Safety Release Rate requirements.
More information is available on Philadelphia Water’s Stormwater Plan Review website. https://www.pwdplanreview.org/stormwater-101/regulations