We are proud to announce the Innovation finalist at this year’s Excellence in GSI Awards. A finalist in this category represents processes, programs, or technology that break new ground by applying information, ingenuity and initiative to significantly advance GSI impact. The winners will be announced Thursday, April 22, during the awards ceremony. RSVP here.
Congratulations to the finalist! See more about their project below.

Green City Inlet Filter “Stormsacks”
“These green inlet filter devices overcome challenges of the past – improving durability and performance balancing both the goals of design and maintenance, contributing towards the goal of clean water and sustainable systems.”
Philly has been faced with the enormous task of developing a plan to maintain the existing green stormwater infrastructure systems that have been installed as well as improve the standard designs for future projects to make maintenance safe, efficient, and effective. What drives the success of the program in Philadelphia is two-fold: effective collaboration and that the voice of maintenance has a seat at the table and helps drives design.
The “Green City Inlet Filter” collects and traps curb-line sediment, trash and debris and prevents them from entering downstream waterbodies and GSI assets, contributing towards the goal of clean water and sustainable systems.